Goldilocks & the 3 Grounded Bears – a classic tale with a kids yoga twist

We have been having a fun discussion on the OMazing Kids Yoga Facebook page about great picture books and stories to use in yoga with kids 2-10 years of age!

One of the many great ideas shared was to use Goldilocks & the 3 Bears. Several folks were intrigued by that so Jessica Millen at Grounded Yoga Chicago ( e-mailed me the details to share since it was too long to post in the comments on Facebook.

Here are the details in a 1-page printable PDF:

If you have questions about the lesson plan, feel free to send Jessica an e-mail:

Free printables to use with the story:

Get in on the fun discussion thread of great kids books by adding your comments on the photo on the FB page – 

Love the creative & fun ideas being shared :)

Angela Moorad, MS, CCC-SLP, IAYT, RCYP-2

Speech-Language Pathologist

Founder of OMazing Kids Yoga, LLC – inclusive yoga for kids & teens of all abilities in Norman, Oklahoma

Radiant Child Yoga Certified – Levels 1 & 2





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